we are quite a few hours closer to a cure after the success of this year's Cure Crew fundraiser. to say success is actually an understatement, since the event generated more money than ANY of the previous years, and attendance was through the ROOF (or, well, basement since we were in the bottom bar). for those of you that have been living with a paper bag over your head, i am referring to the Cure Crew's annual MS Walk fundraiser at rhodeside grill in arlington.

i had decided at the VERY last minute that i was going to attend the happy hour. i asked (err, announced) k8 if i could crash on her futon, and because she is a saint, she agreed (even though it was one of her busiest weeks of the YEAR). i don't know how, but she even managed to stock the fridge with gluten/dairy free food!! so, i booked the bus ticket and was on my way at 8:30am on thursday. traveling put me a bit out of sorts by the end of the day. as much of a city girl as i am, it's still a bit of culture shock when you step onto the bus in the middle of quiet, quaint, & deserted downtown Lburg and step off the bus into the hot mess known as northeast DC.
but i didn't have long to ponder the change in scenery. i had to quickly put on my game face and grab a cab driver- those DC cabs always rip you off with the insanely stupid zone method of determining fares. after i gave him explicit directions on which way to cross over into arlington, i settled back into the cheap leather seat and looked out the window to see what i had missed over the past few months. honking, stoplights, pedestrians, government buildings, tourists... nothing amiss. during the drive, he assured me that he does not drink & drive (comforting to know as he cuts people off right and left), and does not approve of people that do. i have no idea why he felt the need to share that with me, but the world's a better place with one less drunken cab driver.
k8's place always smells like a flower & candle store, and there is always a new addition to the decor each time i visit (she always says "my apartment is finally the way i want it." famous last words!) but by the way, that girl can do more with 382 sq. feet than martha stewart on steroids. my legs were screaming at me to give them a rest, and my feet were swelling their way out of my flats, so i was luckily able to rest for a bit before the event began. thank god. i was going to need all the stamina, strength & energy i had to get through the next 5 hours. the walk always brings in a varied crowd- old friends, new friends, work friends, neighbor friends, kickball friends, MS friends, and all of their friends. so it's a constant "hey!" "oh hi!" "holy shit i haven't seen you in ages!" "omg hey!" "hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!" "hey girl!" "oooooo! it's so good to see you!", lots of hugs and a few trademark girl shrieks... get the picture? it is total sensation overload, a little overwhelming and utterly exhausting. (although i think my eyes might have glazed over at various points.)
i'll let you in on a secret tho... i have some anxiety issues when it comes to seeing people from my "old life." i'm not sure what they expect, and i don't want them to feel awkward or uncomfortable. i also don't want people to lie to me b/c they think it will make me feel better. i worry that the bits of jealousy will creep up on me, envious that they have these real lives that are going places and accomplishing things. i worry that i have let them down, that i haven't been a good enough friend. i go through all these things in my head (repeatedly) and end up overanalyzing into a bigger, fabricated deal than it really is. so that's the emotional part.
as far as the physical issues- i had "warned" quite a few people that i was having difficulty speaking, and just to bear with me. (i should call it "my meg disclaimer" hahah.) but i must have had some karma cashed in because i was able to hold basic conversations without pulling my hair out in frustration or running from the room in embarrassment. i did try to set up camp in a group of 2 tables by the door- 1) to help k8/karen take money, hand out raffle tickets & tshirts, and 2) so that i could stash my cane away in a corner and use the table/chair as support. for the most part, i was able to keep to that strategy. luckily, the downstairs bar isn't that huge, so i was able to see everyone at least once amidst the chaos.
on the bus drive back, i had (a lot) of time to think. (which was proving difficult since a woman 2 rows back was talking on her cell phone the ENTIRE TIME at a volume that was totally uncalled for in a small enclosed space.) i think it says a lot about my friends- their integrity, their character, their loyalty, their compassion- from their participation in this event alone. i guess it is generosity that comes to mind the most. generosity in any amount or form (whether it is your time, or your money, or your talent) is such a simple idea at its core, but it's something that i am not sure i portray every day. and isn't that what your friends should do- make you a better person than you would be alone? so i think this event always reminds me of that.
my mom used to say "you are who you hang around with" and it used to just grate my last nerve! (sorry mom!) but she was right. she was totally right. and if i am even a fraction of what those people represented last thursday night, i consider myself pretty damn blessed.
tom, steve & ashley
wil & his UNC gfriend (he finally learned!)
fran, meg & kathryn
kelly & lori
robert & company
remember, you can view these postings directly on kit katchat's blog
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