ok so i'm up past my scheduled 1:30 bedtime. (don't tell my doc- i'm glad he doesn't read this blog.) but i'm waiting for my injection to warm up to room temperature, and needed something to do while the needle is wedged underneath my armpit. TMI perhaps? however exhausted i am right now, i owe so many of you a sneak peak at what can only be summarized best as "simply awesome." we practically needed our OWN walk for the DC MS Walk this past weekend- as k8 suggested "perhaps we should rent a football field next year." one thing is for sure, we'll definitely need more tshirts (cue to empty your pockets preemptively!!)
i will work on uploading/downloading/compiling all photos this week (sorry the one above might be blurry, i think i saved it as too high of resolution for this site's requirements), as my entire family (and any passing stranger) was harassed with strict orders to "document! document! document!" one of our biggest cure crew supporters is ashlee from the society, who took this fabulous photograph before we commenced the 3 mile journey around the capitol. we tried to gather all those lucky enough to be given MS in the front row- and of course provided shout outs to those that could not be wish us via flimsily pieces of paper that weren't much of a match for the "brisk" wind.
absolutely done in. the same can unfortunately and most likely be said of i would be lying if i said i was feeling great after all the whirlwind activities. truth be told i'myolanda, robert, stacie & sandra who kicked ass in the walk much better than i could claim. but i would glady pay the price 20x over, especially to see all of you again. the only down side to the walk being cut short by 4 miles was that i didn't get to spend near enough time with any of you.
a few highlights: meeting caz jr. was one of the biggest delights of the weekend- your parents coached you very well on who i was and how properly to respond to my unabashed adoration of your 2 year old self. the almost-entire blaine family was a wonderful surprise. i'm sure the 3 mile trek proved a mere warmup for jim's commencement activities of the cherry blossom festival! (insert "wink, wink" here.) mom's Cure Crew signs got their yearly use, this time being staple gunned by the talented mrs. kathryn rutkowski who managed to not staple any body parts to the posts. impressive for 8am! dad might have even had his dc debut on the local NBC channel- i saw him lingering in a chat with the local camera crew at some point.
june & charlie held down the fort quite steadfastly, staying until the bitter end. (and we even arranged a summer tourism jaunt to midway point of gettysburg.) if you ever find yourself in a wheelchair in need of someone to guide you along you might want to steer clear of elle- she almost took out a few limbs, and definitely kim's rear ankles. scottie, she def has replaced you- which is hard to do considering your performance @ geisinger this fall. those walls are never going to be the same- hahah. singing happy birthday!!!!! @ the top of our lungs as we neared the finish line almost did my little brother in- the humiliation level seemed to mirror my own since i had been forced into a wheelchair. so thanks for taking the heat with me ;)
i wasn't able to spend hardly any time with will & virginia, which was a bummer, but as usual they showed up with a crew of friends to join the ranks. stacie & her mom/aunts were a walking batch of clones- when her aunt introduced herself to me i was initially puzzled- "umm, duh i have known you for almost a year"- mistaking her for jane! oops! the family relation was quite obvious!! ahhh and bryce- your came bearing gifts! what more could a girl ask for than my favorite starbucks drink (sugar free vanilla latte with soy)- nice memory by the way! where did you learn that from? constant client psychotic breaks or senseless acts of ever changing decisions, perhaps?
(by the way, giggle, giggle to the lovely sarah blaine... quite the slumber party in room 404 after bottles, note plural, of wine.) which by the way, the marriot courtyard on 9th & F apparently gives ANYONE a room key as long as they can spell morgensen- ahhem, kimmie d. oh and the team dogs were awesome- savannah had her own mini me, if you can consider a replica being a completely different breed and the opposite color. both frank & savannah had donned doggie fannie packs carrying everything from bottles of water to dog treats.
this list will continue with my more formal weekend summary this week... and don't worry, i will call out ALL of you at some point.
remember, you can view these postings directly on kit kat chat's blog
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