
let the acronyms begin

you might notice that i have stopped referring to many of my doctors, nurses and various health professionals by name in my postings. this is not b/c they are secret undercover physicians to the stars or double agent spies of some sort, but b/c i feel strongly that my postings should continue to be candid, open, and honest. realistically speaking, honesty can sometimes be tainted by emotions and frustrations, and i don't want to call anyone out inappropriately or direct unwanted attention in their direction.

so, here's how this will work. if you would like specific information on any of the physicians mentioned in my blog, simply email me and i will provide you with any contact info you are looking for, or at least point you in the right direction.

hospitals: will be referred to by the first letters of each word in their full name (ie geisinger, which i talk about frequently, would be referred to as "GHS" for geisinger health systems).

doctors: will be referred to as "DR.", followed by an abbreviation of their department (ie "NEURO" for neurology). if i see more than one doctor in this unit, i will simply number them in sequential order (ie "DR. NEURO1", "DR. NEURO2" and so on...)

nurses: will be referred to as "RN" followed by an abbreviation of their department (ie "IM" for internal medicine). this would be followed by their first name (ie "RN IM Jackie").

specialists: if i am explaining a new treatment or therapy, i will probably refer to them by their name, with a link to their web page if available. i think this is important to help further explain the treatment and to make sure i am giving proper credit to their techniques or methods. ideally, i would love to help other people find relief if these treatments help me.

remember, you can view these postings directly on kitkat chat's blog

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